Back in February, I managed to get TMJ, which still bothers me from time to time.
Now, I've managed to pick up Pink Eye, most likely from one of the munchkins at work. Lots of kids and teachers have been out lately, so I guess it was only a matter of time until something got me. But did it really have to be something that makes me look like an angry Ood?
I woke up with it Monday and did manage to leave the house to attend a funeral. But by Tuesday morning, it had spread to both eyes, so I called the doctor and she called in a prescription for me. Now, I'm just waiting for the redness and gunk to go away, so I look normal again. Since it's contagious, I can't work until it does go away.
This is also impeding my ability to finish my Christmas shopping, which is starting to stress me out. I really want to be done already and I feel like I've only just begun.
My best friend and her sweet little baby are moving to Minnesota next week and I really need to go see them before they leave. But, I won't risk exposing them to this, so it really needs to go away!
Fortunately, my eyes do look better today, but they are definitely still pink. While I wait to feel better, I've been enjoying acting out this scene for my husband:
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