First up, tossing the bouquet. My florist made a small toss bouquet with the same flowers as my bouquet. I'm so glad I did this because there was no way I was tossing my gorgeous bouquet! Before the toss, it was displayed on our cake table.
I went with the obvious music choice for this one.
I'm a notoriously bad thrower, but I told BM T I was trying to aim for her. She was right behind me, so this shouldn't be too hard, right?
Notice that BM T is clearly ready to grab it while MOH L and BM R are hiding in the back.
She made a valiant effort to snag it while the others looked on.
But unfortunately, I threw it a little too hard and it went over her head to the one person NOT trying to catch the bouquet!
I love that everyone pointed at her just in case you couldn't figure out who caught it.
So did it work? Well since MOH L has no intention of getting married, I'd say it never had a chance. But one of those single ladies has gotten married since our wedding. The girl in the yellow dress is my new sister-in-law!
Next week: Time to toss a garter!
All photos by Amanda Fales Photography
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