What is your favorite magazine to read?
I hesitate to name one because every time I find a magazine I really like, it seems to stop publishing. I'm a not big magazine person, really. I get some magazines, but they were all free through various reward programs.
If I had to pick a magazine, I'd probably say People.
What is the best thing you've seen online lately?
Benedict Cumberbatch can't say, "penguin." Hilarious!
What is your favorite celebrity to follow on Instagram or Twitter?
I like following Jennifer Morrison on Instagram and Twitter because she posts stuff about Once Upon a Time and I love it when she posts behind the scenes photos.
Is there one article of clothing no matter what the season you can’t help but love?
Hoodies! I'm always looking for an excuse to wear one, even when it's hot outside. Also, yoga pants.
Do you prefer email or snail mail?
Snail mail. I love getting things in the mail! (Especially if they're not bills.) I really need to be better about sending other people mail.