I'm only the sub, but I'm ready for school to be over with for the summer. I can only imagine how the everyday teachers feel. I taught kindergarten on Monday and it wasn't the greatest day ever, but it didn't totally suck either. We used a lot of music and the Smart Board, so that was fun.
After work, I went on a hunt for plants. I was pricing hydrangeas and trying to find a couple plants to replace some that didn't make it through last year's drought and heat wave. I ended up finding my double impatient and a pretty dahlia at Meijer.
I only had to work in the afternoon which is great because I get to sleep in and get some more time to get ready. I taught second grade for a good class.
That night I decided I really needed to bake brownies which was a good idea because they tasted really good. I managed to not eat the whole pan in one night, but it was close.
My husband made me eggs and bacon for breakfast for work. It was great other than discovering our fridge was broken again. Luckily, the freezer still worked this time. Another afternoon job, another second grade class. This time for a class I've had several times this year already. Did the weekly trip to the library after work.
I didn't work which was a good thing because I stayed up way too late watching The Lizzie Bennet Diaries. I couldn't stop because I wanted to see Lizzie and Darcy get together. I'm such a sucker for Pride & Prejudice. I also took advantage of the broken fridge and deep cleaned the inside of it while the food was all out.
I had to teach fourth grade which isn't my favorite. After work, I did my weekly trip to Target and what seems to be a weekly trip to my husband's store. I'm really excited about Target's new Cartwheel program. I love that they're making it easier to get even more savings.
I celebrated Mother's Day with my mom and grandma. We went out for lunch at Olive Garden and then went plant shopping. And I ended up buying more plants. Did I need them? No. Do I have pots for them? No. But I liked them and they were good prices, so they came home with me. I've got some big ideas for our porch now.
We celebrated Mother's Day with M's mom after Mass. I got her a Super Tote at the Vera Bradley Outlet Sale and she really liked it. We also watched Doctor Who. I'm really excited for next week's episode after seeing the previews.
We had a lazy day at home. I had to bring in all plants from outside for the night because apparently Mother Nature didn't get the memo about it being spring and there was a freeze warning. But since this is crazy Indiana, it will be 80 degrees again by Wednesday.
How was your week?
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