Last week was very much a relaxing week. And while I probably should have been more productive around here, I still enjoyed it.
I spend much of the week still working on my family tree. I'm using Ancestry to get the information and put it together. That site is so good about finding stuff and connecting with people that I've found sixth cousins and relatives all over the place. Very interesting stuff!
One of the highlights of my week was my haircut on Wednesday. I've always loved having my hair played with and done, so haircuts are always exciting for me even though it's usually just a trim. And yes, I go religiously every five weeks. I have to or my bangs get ridiculous and my hair grows funny. Speaking of bangs, I decided to get a little crazy and go back to full bangs. I haven't had full bangs for at least 7 years. So far, I'm enjoying them.
M and I made our weekly trip to the library for books and DVDs. This week we decided to watch all three Indiana Jones movies (the 4th one doesn't exist in our world.) I'm really not sure why we don't own them. Guess I know what's going on the Christmas list this year.
The other highlight of the week? We had a movie date on Thursday. We drove up to the cheap theater to see Red 2. It's a bit of a farther drive that staying in town, but it only cost us $11 total for tickets and concessions. It would have been
at least $20 at any theater in town. The movie was good. Not as good as the first one, which we love, but we still liked it and thought it was quite funny.
Saturday, I went to a local arts and crafts festival with my mom. We enjoyed walking around looking at all the vendors (although the mud due to overnight rain was not so enjoyable.) I saw lots of things I liked, but most of them were priced more that I cared to spend on said items. That's the downside of handmade, I guess. I did walk away with some new garden decor and my mom got her big bag of kettle corn.

Sunday was a very exciting day. We went to my mother-in-law's house to watch the revealing of the new Doctor. I admit I was a bit nervous it would be somebody I didn't like, but I'm very excited about the choice. I didn't recognize Peter Capaldi's name, but as soon as I saw his face, I knew I had seen something of his before. Turns out in addition to see him previously on an episode of Doctor Who and several episodes of Torchwood, he was a regular on Fortysomething (a very funny British show starring a young Benedict Cumberbatch and Hugh Laurie.) So, I'm already a fan of his and I can't wait to see his take on the Doctor.
How was your week?