I hope everybody had an enjoyable holiday weekend (if that applies to you) and if you had to work, I'm sorry. I've been there before!
Even though there are only 2 weeks of school left, work has been very busy. I've been working pretty much every day this month, which is great for our finances going into summer.
Last week was all about kindergarten and 2nd grade. I was very excited to get to teach one of my favorite kindergarten classes one last time. They're a sweet bunch and I'm going to miss them.
The summer job is coming along nicely, I guess. My paperwork is processed and I'll be officially hired next week. My director has never gotten back to me about my placement, so I'm assuming I'm still at last year's park with the older kids. I guess we'll see what happens. I just go with the flow. She also hasn't scheduled our training meetings due to some staffing issues. This wouldn't bother me, but I'm trying to plan a little getaway for our anniversary the same week we'll have training.
This weekend, we mostly focused on getting some things done around the house. Saturday was beautiful, so we headed outside to take care of some yard work. Weeding my flowerbeds isn't the most fun, but enjoying the sunshine did help. All of my flowers are planted and I'm enjoying the blooms. Crossing my fingers that all my plants stay alive this year!
On Monday, my mom and I went to the local flea market. It was hot and crowded, but I got some things I've been waiting to buy there. We had a good day together shopping and catching up.
How was your week?

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