As you may know, I'm a teacher. I'm currently working as a substitute teacher while trying to get a full-time position. However, school has been out since the beginning of June and won't start again until August is almost over. I had planned to have a summer job at my former retail job, but despite all my efforts, it just didn't happen. And by the time I figured that out, it was too late for another summer job. All the summer jobs had been filled by May.
As a result, I spend my days at home, trying to be productive around the house and trying to manage a budget on only one income. This means no spending money on anything but bills and groceries right now, so I'm home a lot. And without a set schedule for my days, my body has decided to go with its preferred schedule, that of a night owl.
So yes, I sleep until 3pm sometimes, but I also stay up until 6am. I'm still doing my around the house chores, I just do them at a time my body prefers. I worked overnight for 3 months before we got married and I loved it. I slept much better and could actually get out of bed each night ready for work.
The result of all this is that you may notice that blog posts, tweets, Facebook updates, Instagram uploads, and Pins are happening mostly in the afternoon, evening, and overnight. Think of it as something fun to wake up to! And I get to wake up in the afternoon and discover all the same things from others who are on a more normal schedule.
It's nice to be on my own schedule for once. And while I'm not looking forward to retraining myself to be on a regular schedule next month, I'm sure knowing that it means work and pay will greatly help.
Are you a morning person or a night owl?
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