I've been seriously slacking on my weekly reviews, so I'd thought I'd catch you up on what I've been up to lately.
Camp is half over already and I'm a bit sad about that. The weeks have flown by and it feels like the next 3 weeks will as well. My group of little kids is great and I'm going to miss them. My coworkers this year are great too.
We've had a very busy 3 weeks. We've been to the local pool twice, we went roller skating and bowling, and we've visited the local municipal airport. The airport was a lot of fun. We saw lots of airplanes and even got to go up in the control tower.
On Thursday, we went to the local beach for our annual sand building contest. It was a cool day, but the kids still had a lot of fun.
We've also been doing lots of crafts and playing lots of games. Additionally, we've been practicing our talent show routine. It's going really well and I think we've got a good chance of winning this year. And of course, the kids are having a blast which is the most important part.
My younger nieces are down from Wisconsin and we had dinner with them on Thursday. We watched Monsters University and Frozen.
Since I had Friday off from work, my mom and I went antiquing. Sadly, I didn't find anything interesting to buy. We did hit up Five Guys for lunch. We haven't been there in over a year and it was absolutely delicious.
We spent the weekend quietly at home mostly, although we did hang out with M's family after Mass on Saturday night since his nephew was there. I did some preparing for camp this week. It's sure to be a busy, but fun week.

It's amazing how busy summer can be, and yet we think of it as a time to slow down. Sounds like you're having a good time though! Happy Monday!