Have you ever walked out of a movie?
I have never walked out of a movie in a theater. We so rarely go to the movies, that we only see movies that we really want to see. I have however, turned off movies that I've rented.
What do you most often use for blogs and blogging: desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone?
I usually use my laptop, but I sometimes use the desktop especially if the pictures I want are on that computer.
Have you ever had anything stolen from you?
I have not. (Knock on wood.)
Do you identify as a member of a particular ethnic group?
Does Canadian count? Thanks to my dad, I'm Canadian as well as American. My siblings and cousins (who are also dual citizens) are very proud of our Canadian heritage. We've also got some Russian, Polish, and German in our bloodlines.
Do you abstain from meat on Fridays?
Only during Lent. Since I've only been Catholic for a few years, it's still a struggle. I did do a good job of remembering this year, but I need to be more creative in coming up with meatless dishes. We ate a lot of grilled cheese and fish.
Seen anything weird lately?
I went antiquing with my mom on Friday, and I did see some interesting things. Of course, now I can't remember anything.

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