Monday, August 18, 2014

Weeks in Review

 And just like that, another three weeks have gone by since I last did a week review.  At least I'm consistent?

 So, what have I been up to in the last 3 weeks? To be honest, not a whole lot! I said I had plans to clean and while I had the ambition, I didn't have the motivation. I did get a few rooms a lot cleaner and laundry did get done, so it wasn't a total loss. I even braved the heat and humidity to do some weeding.

I did work on some of my hobby projects, which was nice. After all, I was technically on vacation, so fun and relaxing were in order. And I worked pretty hard this summer, so I'm not feeling too guilty about not being as productive.

My grandma had her birthday a couple weeks ago, so my mom and I took her to lunch at a local Amish style restaurant. They have a lunch buffet that I love. I definitely ate well that day!

School started last week and I'm already working. My scheduler called on the first day of school to start offering jobs. I predict I'll be busy this year which makes me very happy!

How was your week?


1 comment:

  1. Yummm Amish buffet... sounds delicious, or maybe its just the diet I am on talking!! Its so great to get a few weeks of summer for real rest and relaxing! Hope the school year gets off to a great start!
