Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wedding Wednesday: Down the Aisle

Last week, I showed you how my girls and I got around the church. It was nearly time for us to all make a trip down the aisle.

But first, some important women had to make that same trip!

While we were making our way around the church and waiting patiently outside (in the hot sun), the moms were being escorted down the aisle to their seats.

M's mom was first. I actually didn't specify what order or anything, so I'm not even sure how this was organized. At this point, I simply didn't care anymore. Also, I intended for one of M's brothers to escort his mother to her seat since he was also supposed to be helping with ushering. I didn't know until I got the pictures back that he apparently didn't get the memo and my brother had to escort everybody to their seats. Bless him for doing it with a smile.

Next was my grandma. I never realized until I saw this picture just how much my brother looks like my grandma. She's not getting around as well as she used to, so I was very happy that she had my brother to help her to her seat since my mother couldn't do it.

Lastly, it was time for my mom!

Notice my dad in the background? It let us know that the moms were seated and it was time for my girls to make their way down the aisle. Unlike the moms, they were all alone. Thankfully, they didn't seem too nervous.

I don't think I've even explained to you who my girls are! This is R. She's M's oldest niece. She much prefers to be a tomboy, so getting her in a dress and looking so pretty was a treat. And I will never let her live it down.
This is T. I'm sure I've mentioned her before. We met our sophomore year of college through a mutual friend. Hard to believe we grew up in the same county and didn't meet until then. We've been best friends ever since and have been known to talk each other out of jumping out of windows (college and those darn papers) and harming other people (work and those darn coworkers/customers) through the magic of e-mails and Facebook messages. M and I often do couple-y  things with T and her boyfriend R.

This is L. We met at work. She actually initially intimidated me, but we soon became good friends. She's my drinking buddy since her fridge is always well stocked. I spent many a night on her couch watching movies and enjoying cocktails before I met M.

Next up, somebody steals the show and it's time for the bride!

All photos by Amanda Fales Photography


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