1. What were you like in Middle School/HS?
Oh my, my pictures from high school are pretty bad. I've always been pretty terrible at taking school pictures and then add in teenage awkwardness and the braces. I'm only brave enough to share a couple of the better pictures.
8th Grade |
That was the shortest my hair had been since second grade. I had actually just cut off about 8 inches. In junior high, I was involved in the Speech Club and was a Game Worker. I sold tickets to sports events after school and worked the concession stand. During track meets, I held up the finish line and ran results up to the announcer in the booth at the top of the bleachers. It was nerdy fun.
Senior Picture |
In high school I was involved in the Musical Pit Orchestras, National Honor Society, Prom Committee, and French Club.
2. What were your favorite past times?
In high school, I liked to hang out with my friends. We often got together on Friday nights once Marching Band season was over. I didn't have a license, so I had to rely on them or my mom for rides. I spent a lot of my summer reading especially when the bookmobile used to stop right outside my house once a week.
3. What songs were you obsessed with?
I was very much into boy bands as a teenager. I started out a Backstreet Boys fan and then moved onto NSYNC. I blame my childhood obsession with New Kids on the Block.
One of my favorite memories was on our last night in France, the French Club was sitting under the Eiffel Tower, waiting for our turn to go up and we all starting singing the Backstreet Boys' song
I Want it That Way. We hadn't really heard American music in two weeks, so we were desperate to hear something familiar and that song was a big hit in the US at the time.
4. What fashion statement do you look back on and cringe?
I was a big fan of plaid flannel in junior high. (See 8th grade picture above. That was a dressy plaid shirt with a denim collar.) It was my town's version of the "grunge" fad. I also enjoyed overalls, especially short overalls, but I always wore both straps. The one strap thing never made sense to me.
5. What was your favorite movie?
I loved
Romeo & Juliet and
Titanic, of course.
6. Who was your celeb crush?
It started with Jonathan Taylor Thomas, then Leonardo DiCaprio, then Josh Hartnett. My mom worked in a bookstore and always brought home the old teen magazines, so my closet doors were always covered with posters.