Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sunday Social

Sunday Social

What are 3 items you can't live without on a daily basis (water, food, shelter, and clothes don't count) 
  •  My phone because it's how I get jobs and the only way to contact my husband/family when we're apart.
  •  My planner where I keep track of all my job details and appointments and my husband's schedule.
  •  The Wii, so I can watch Netflix Instant Watch.
What is your all time favorite book? Why? 

I read a lot of books and enjoy most of them. I could easily give you a list of books that I love so much, I want to read them again and again. But by far, my favorite book is Pride & Prejudice.
What is something you'd like to accomplish before the end of 2013? 

 Get pregnant

If you could go back and relive any year of your life which year would it be? 

I'd go back and relive the year I turned 23. I was living in Florida at the time and I was going through some massive amounts of stress and I wish I could go back and do some thing differently. I also wish I had bought a Florida resident pass to Walt Disney World and spent more time there while I could. I'm still kicking myself for not having fun on my weekends to help with the stress.

What do you wish people knew about you without you having to tell them?

I'm not pregnant yet. I'm so tired of people I know asking me if I am. It gets awkward when they want to question it and I don't really want to get into health issues with people who aren't my doctor or husband. How about you stop asking every time you see me and I'll let you know when I actually am, OK?



  1. I feel like that often. About, the times I have wasted in the past.
    But--we need to move on. Easier said.
    I wish and hope you can buy a house soon:)

    Found you via Sunday Social blog hop!

  2. Your #4 resonates with me because I'm sure I'll feel that way about this year! I think we're all guilty of letting ourselves get overwhelmed at times and forgetting to enjoy life!

  3. Great answer for number four. Sometimes we're so worried about money that we don't spend a little bit to make ourselves happier!

  4. Good luck on trying to get pregnant! It must be a really exciting time for you :)

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